
Lost a game when it should have been a draw

My opponent has only a knight. I've let time ran out since I figured it would be a draw, but lichess gave me a loss.
Who claims "should be"? A loss is according to the "official" rules of FIDE. Because mate is possible and you have no time to prove that you won't get mated.

If you don't know now you know.
You didn't take the pawn. So time ran out, black won.
This gets posted fairly often, but if you still have a pawn on the board you can still be checkmated by a minor piece(even if you essentially have to allow them to do it) and thus a time out results in a white win here and not a draw.
The notice one gets when starting a thread should be extended by: "Important! If you think the game you lost on time should have been drawn, first read FIDE rules before starting a thread." :P
are you kidding me @Aks_Oks ??? the question is if white should win as he did or if it was a draw and you bring in black wins????
In Piece vs. Piece or Pawn scenarios the one who oversteps the time loses, either side.

Exception: the Queen doesn't lose against a lone minor piece.

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