
Players that not move in a losing position

Just now i won against one of this players....

I play standard game 15+10.
My opponent was in a losing position and losing material (4 pawns+rook for me, 2 pawns+bishop for him)
and him, blocked!!...NOT A MOVE for OVER THAN 14 minutes!!!
I had to wait 14 minutes in front of my tablet. :-\

but, why ?
It is a game, what is the problem to lose??
sometime you win, sometime you lose, what's the probem??

is not the first time that i met this kind of players....
i think is the 6-7 time in 200 games.

but there is chance to report to this players?
Welcome to Online Chess. If you're gonna play with 15+10 time control or longer, be prepared for this to happen a lot. Have a magazine nearby or browse the web for a while, then block them. However, it is useless to report them because I don't think lichess considers it to be against the rules of the site.
They thought you could disconnect in the meantime, so they'd win.
Hence, they did nothing during 14 minutes but hoping you'd disconnect.
....are going to be banned :D
more than two hundread already in my "Hall of Fame"

thats nothing unusual, they even do this in casual games.

Sometimes I am funny (if I have enough time left) and add allot of time to the player who want to let his clock running down. I add 30-60 minutes to his clock and browse through internet while waiting.

I won this little battle every single time. Of course its stupid but it gives you some cheap satisfaction at least... ;-))

Happens a ton, don't take it personally. It is of course proper etiquette to resign, however #3 is correct, be prepared as incidents like these frequently occur in classical chess. However, although they are wasting your time, they are wasting their own time.
There is no reason to report players who did not break any rules. You agreed to dedicate 15 minutes of your time to your opponent? Then be a man/woman, and tough it out.

If it's a casual game (no points to be gained), then wait a few minutes and resign. Spend the remaining time of your life challenging new opponents and playing new games. Instead of wasting your time reporting people who are basically being rude without breaking any rules.

Decades ago, during world championships, some GMs would smoke in front of their opponent to get on their nerves. Remember, there is always a psychological factor in chess. Some people will do everything in their power to win. Like offering a draw right before they get checkmated. Or get up from the table and hope you resign. Or call you an idiot right after you force a 3-move draw. Or call you a dummy for no apparent reason. Welcome to online chess...

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