
How is it possible to cheat in Bullet games?

I noticed the previous bullet champion 'Keithster' has been flagged as a cheater, the guy was a NM at 15 but is also a software developer....

Just wondering how would it be possible to cheat in bullet games when they are so fast?
(not that i'm planning it just slightly annoyed at this guy cheating)
It is possible then? that is disappointing, I was really looking forward to him playing chessbrahs or gosu but if he is in fact a cheat then good riddance to him.
Keithster has had his flag removed.

I think that people who are wrongly accused of cheating are owed an apology.
A PUBLIC one. If this was "real life" I'd sue (and win) for defamation...
The video was interesting.
I still can't understand the point in going to such lengths so that *playing* chess (wasn't it the idea in the first place?) is taken right out of you and you're left with an anonymous account somewhere on the internet and a meaningless rating. Such glory, indeed.
I hope things turn all right with our top player, too. It would be awkward to see him use a program since he is going with an all-out public profile.
its prevalent in all sports, competitive activities, lets not be surprised.
[I hope I'm not talking too much out of my league here, either. Of course I know nothing about the situation.]

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