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ChessSoftware DevelopmentOff topicLichess
An enumeration of the many ways to get the most out of lichess

It oftenly happens that people I meet on- or offline tell me that lichess is to big for them, too many menus, too many possibilities. On the other hand there are people that ask, how can I do this or that, people who are constantly writing on request-threads in the forum, people who want more. To help out both, I decided to make a try on a simple overview of the many functions of this amazing site.

As - like mentioned before - lichess is a great platform already but still has lot of potential for features devs and contributors can not cover on their own, because some may just be useful for the few and some are just fun but nothing more than this here's a small collection of things you might enjoy. [Listed from external to lichess-internal]

Note: This list is not final, if there are any things you feel that would belong here too please let me know.

1. Lichess' own [A bit secret, yet powerful] list of things that are helpful for enlarging lichess' functions: Extended Lichess

2. Also try for a transparent board, jumping Horseys, different optics and more

3. Browser Extensions (here for chrome) that effect optics and site-behaviour like Lichess Enhancement, Lichess Flags, Shortcuts for lichess, Opponent Form, linotify and many more

4. A "Brilliant Move" implementation via Tampermonkey and github) (something for a bit more tech-advanced people I'd say)

5."Grandmasterfication" with Grandmaster audio commentary or GM Mode for everyone

6. Also there's a not so secret thing that is often forgotten though, the Zen-Mode on lichess edible via account preferences or as an ingame setting via the ingame hamburger menu

7. The video library and the learning submenu as well as the pratice section are great places to learn and comprehend basic and advanced skills, with study area you can do a lot too and enrich your knowledge

8. To find a certain player that is fide registered as well as the tournaments they played, you can visit lichess' own fide page with an implementation of the fide-rating-list

9. There's a Forum for all the things you want to share, or know. Many nice people are there, make sure to bring some strange sense of humor and read the F.A.Q. and the Forum Etiquette first though, as nobody likes to write the same stuff over and over again and people tend to ignore things that are well-discussed over years.

10. Join our Discord and get to know even more nice people that share youre interests.

Bonus: Check out what you can do for lichess instead what lichess can do for you. Ever thought about contributing? Because when you read up until here that might be just the thing you were in search for without knowing it. It might be just the feeling of "something is missing" that brought you here.

To sum it up: There are lots of possibilities to improve your individual experience hope that this was somehow enlightening, for further questions or suggestions feel free to reach out to me.