
Chess websites you should try

Over the boardChess Personalities
I will be talking about why/how is is better

![This is me playing with another opponent](Photo by RDNE Stock project:

I will start with our 2 top websites, later i will talk about specifically chess sites that are kid friendly and perfect for your child is a good platform but it has a lot of cheaters and I recommend lichess if you want to just calmly play regular chess., i prefer to play various types like crazy house, atomic/giveaway, etc. has infinite types and variants of chess you can even play 4 player chess! But my best game i like on is that you can create your very own type of cehss and play it with your friends.
Lichess: lichess is a tough website because they have a worst banning technique that Me personally i prefer lichess if you want to just play chess because you can create your own time, again this is just my view of things so if you just wondered here, and if you are reading this please like this post so that new people could find this, now back to the point. Lichess has different types of chess just like but as i was saying i prefer but for free games I recommend you lichess.
Now i will talk about lessons and teaching
I prefer fro learning they have short lessons a bit complicated but if you want more child explanation i recommend ChessKid. ChessKid has a good data base but you need a subscription to get full access to the lessons because you can’t watch all of them it just cuts you off at a certain time.
Kid friendly websites
ChessKid is a child friendly website you are not allowed to chat inn this website you can use emoji’s though, and kids love it